
AB56 Futures


Lady Cathcart School, Buckie

Total Cost


Intervention Rate


Action for Children were awarded funding for their AB56 Futures project, to create a new support service and family learning centre for communities in the Buckie area.

The overall aim of the service was to play a key role in maximising uptake of local free childcare services available through the Scottish Government’s Early Learning and Childcare expansion plans, whilst enabling parents to move towards the labour market by accessing learning and skills development. The new service delivered family learning sessions designed to encourage and support parents to access free childcare provision, whilst supporting the family to overcome any additional barriers to reengaging with learning, leading to improved employment opportunities.

The project was be delivered through a new community focused, family learning centre in Buckie which provided learning, support, advice, information and opportunities for families and via an outreach service, providing accessibility and reach to the wider community.

The project aimed to provide support and information to between 150-200 families. LEADER funding was used to support the refurbishment of the upper floor of Lady Cathcart School in Buckie to house the new family learning centre, and for the recruitment of a new staff team to deliver the service. This created a community learning space where families felt comfortable to drop in, engage and find access to support. The centre also provided an operational base for the new staff for outreach support and community engagement.