2023-24 Projects

Transport and Active Travel Strategy



Dufftown & District Community Association

Funding Awarded


Dufftown & District Community Association used the funding to commission a transport consultant (Connected Transport Planning) to carry out a transport and access audit of Dufftown town centre.

They carried out the following activities to inform the transport and access audit:

  • data collection through speed surveys of existing traffic volumes, speeds and flows recorded over a period of time.

  • physical street appraisal of Dufftown town centre to assess quality of movement.

  • targeted community engagement, including interactive workshops with Mortlach Primary School and conversations with businesses on Dufftown high street.

 As part of the community engagement for this report, the design team met with 22 pupils from the Mortlach primary S4/5 class along with their teacher.

The session allowed the pupils to voice their experience of moving around in Dufftown (getting to school/playing). The session also encouraged creative thinking/problem solving, as the pupils were invited to use props and design their own alternative Dufftown transport networks.