
Elgin Museum Renovation


Elgin Museum, High Street, Elgin

Total Cost


Intervention Rate


The Moray Society were awarded funding towards the renovation of Elgin Museum, helping to ensure that it continues to be available to the community and tourists for generations to come.

The project’s aim was to protect historical importance of this Italianate building within the general architectural history of Moray and help restore it to its former glory.

The renovation work addressed key issues to help significantly improve the condition of the building, protecting its collections and increasing its lifespan. The work focused on priority renovation work to reinstate the fabric of the building to its condition when it was constructed in 1843. There had been water ingress to the stone work and work undertaken in the 1970s had acted as a destructive force due to the nature of the materials used at that time.

The renovation of the exterior of the Museum and hall enhanced the appearance of the building and will contributed to the attractiveness of the High Street for visitors to Elgin, while supporting the development of the tourism product of the area.