
Keith Community Power Hub




Funding Awarded


REAP was awarded funding to support its work in helping vulnerable Moray residents to tackle social isolation and fuel poverty.

Demand for REAP’s services has increased significantly over the past year due to the cost-of-living and energy price crises, which have thrown more people into fuel poverty across Moray. The impact of Covid in closing essential services and facilities since March 2021 has increased social isolation across the region.

Moray Local Action Group funding enabled REAP to run its Community Hub in Keith, providing an essential service to the community at an incredibly challenging time, both for the organisation and the people it served.

The funding covered the hub’s rent and utility bills, and enabled the hub to stay open for longer hours. An Energy Administration Assistant was employed to work with the community for two days per week. The Assistant’s role was to take referrals, make fuel payments and support energy advice staff and volunteer receptionists. The project also included the procurement of a CRM technology to help REAP manage client interactions efficiently.

In delivering the project, REAP also partnered with local organisations such as Citizens Advice Bureau, Moray Credit Firth Union, Moray Council Housing department, Home Energy Scotland, The Oaks, AES Solar Panel, Moray Food Plus and other voluntary community sector organisations throughout Moray.

REAP’s energy advice services achieved:

  • 1,000 vulnerable households given comfort packs (warm well kits) to enable them keep warm

  • 300 households provided with in depth energy advice.

  • 100 home visits by REAP advisors.

  • 13,000 members of the local community received with light touch energy advice, either over the phone, by email, at community events and outreach, and via social media.

  • 129 fuel vouchers and signposted 83 clients to energy efficiency schemes such as insulation, new boiler schemes and solar panel.

REAP estimate at least 14,612 people benefitted from the project.