
Marine Park Pavilion


Marine Park, Lossiemouth

Total Cost


Intervention Rate


Action Marine Park received a funding award to reinstate a modern, fit for purpose pavilion building in Marine Park, Lossiemouth.

The funding from Moray LEADER was used for the capital works of constructing the new pavilion. This project will provide a new community facility for leisure and recreational use, which will also provide a focal point for local activities and information. The pavilion will be of huge benefit to the clubs and groups that currently use Marine Park and will enhance social interaction and inclusion within the local community.

The new pavilion provides toilet facilities, secure storage, shelter, a small kitchen area and a large hall area. The hall is available for use for meetings, indoor activities, fundraising events and other purposes as required by the local community and user groups. The pavilion has been designed with inclusive access for users of all ages and abilities in mind, mindful of the diverse needs within the local community.